Our Services
Construction Management
Construction observation and testing
Quality assurance and control
Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring
Construction observation of shallow and deep foundation systems and specialty innovation products
Fill compaction and site grading certifications, Mitigation of failures, and remedial construction recommendations
Geotechnical & Earthquake Engineering
Preliminary geotechnical and geologic evaluations, Geologic and seismic hazard studies
Geologic risk management and hazard mitigation analyses
Geotechnical site characterization and laboratory testing
Analysis design and recommendations
Site improvement and mitigation answers
Numerical Modeling & Soil Structure Interaction
State-of-the-art probabilistic earthquake ground motion analysis and development of time histories
Dynamic equivalent linear and nonlinear site response analysis
Non-linear dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis using state-of-the-art computer methods
Analysis of liquefaction and complex soil and rock mechanics
Types of Services
Pipeline and tunnel design and seismic assessment
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) evaluations
Seismic impact analysis on underground utilities
Foundation and geotechnical support for large-scale infrastructure
Delta Tunnel Design and Construction Studies
Aqueduct 2 and 3 Pipeline Fragility Evaluations
Alameda/Oakland Inner Harbor HDD Pipeline Crossing
Mokelumne Aqueduct Interconnection Project
Pipelines, Tunnels, Large-Scale Water Infrastructure
Dam Engineering & Seismic Stability
Seismic stability evaluations and retrofits
Static and dynamic stability analysis (using FLAC, Slope/W, etc.)
Liquefaction and deformation modeling
DSOD and FERC compliance
Foundation investigations and slope stability assessments
Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project
San Pablo Dam Seismic Stability Evaluation
Applegate Dam Seismic Stability Evaluation
Estates Dam, Dingee Dam, Central Dam, Argyle #2 Dam
Preston Fore Bay Dam, Henderson Reservoir Dam
Infrastructure Risk Management & GIS Integration
Dam instrumentation and data integration into GIS
Pipeline and aqueduct seismic risk mapping
Emergency response and disaster preparedness planning
Legislative review and compliance evaluations
Litigation support and expert geotechnical assessments
Dam Instrumentation Data Integration into GIS
DSOD Annual Dam Inspection & Instrumentation Improvements
Local Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMP)
Pipeline Fragility & Liquefaction Hazard Mapping
Lawsuits, Claims, and Risk Management (Moraga Creek Stability, McKillop Landslide Claim)
Pumping Plants, Tanks, & Structural Foundations
Geotechnical investigations for water treatment plants and pump stations
Foundation design for tank replacements
Slope failure studies and mitigation planning
Seismic retrofitting of water infrastructure
San Pablo Clearwell Tank Replacement Study
Reliez Pumping Plant Slope Failure Study
Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plant Seismic Study
Round Hill Pumping Plant Design and Construction Support
Slope stability and landslide risk assessment
Fault rupture hazard evaluations
Groundwater flow and lateral spreading analysis
Soil-structure interaction studies for buildings and infrastructure
Fault Rupture Evaluation for WGSI Natural Gas Pipeline
Topanga Canyon Landslide Remediation
Mussel Rock Landfill Landslides
Lateral Spreading Analysis for Target Stores
Landslide, Slope Stability, & Fault Rupture Evaluation