Thorton Medical Center

M2C utilized the computer program RSPMATCH developed by Norm Abrahamson to perform the Spectra Matching for seven sets of recorded fault normal and fault parallel components. A 5% damped DBE and MCE spectra were developed as the target spectra for spectral matching. A total of 28 (7 earthquake records x 2 horizontal components x 2 target spectra) spectrally matched time histories were produced as part of our work. The results were summarized in a letter report. We also provided spectrally matched time histories and their 5% damped spectra in the digital form. Spectral matching was done in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the UCSD Thornton Hospital Bed Tower project.

Project Details

Date –

Location – San Diego, California

Client – Ninyo & Moore

Key Personnel – Yogesh Prashar



Procedure Manual for the Rapid Load Test


State Route 72 SR 75/282 Transportation Corridor Project