Bob Hope International Airport
The project involved performing spectral matching in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the Bob Hope International Airport project in San Diego, California. Used the computer program RSPMATCH developed by Norm Abrahamson to perform the Spectra Matching for the seven sets of recorded fault normal and fault parallel components. We used a 5% damped DBE and MCE spectra as the target spectra for spectral matching. A total of 28 (7 earthquake records x 2 horizontal components x 2 target spectra) spectrally matched time histories were produced as part of our work. The results were summarized in a letter report. We also provided spectrally matched time histories and their 5% damped spectra in the digital form. Spectral matching was done in accordance with the CBC 2008 for the project. The report was reviewed by Dr. Marshal Lew and was accepted with minimal comments.
Project Details
Location – San Diego, California
Client – Ninyo & Moore
Key Personnel – Yogesh Prashar